Monday, January 7, 2019

Changes Coming to the Blog

UPDATE:  The blog will cease updating. A cousin of mine will be writing a book series about this branch of the Boone family including volumes derived from Mamie's diaries which I will be relinquishing. What has already been posted will be left up and I'm glad somebody else has the time to do them proper justice!

Original Post:

The lack of updates has been a source of guilt for awhile, but it was also clear that the format I'd chosen for posting simply wasn't working out. A few weeks ago, inspiration hit and a clear plan for changing how Mamie's diary was presented became obvious. So a new style will be employed in order to get as much of her life up as quickly as I can for posterity's sake.

I don't know when the revised format will first go up since I'm dealing with computer monitor problems, however all previous entries will be rewritten to the new style. Older posts will be left up for an indefinite time after their content has gone up in the new format.